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December - British Commonwealth Air Training Plan

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Tony Nelson will tell the incredible story of the BCATP, a major Canadian contribution to winning World War 2. Great Britain had a huge need for pilots and air crew but training was impossible in an active war zone and turned to Canada for help. The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) had only 4,000 personnel and less than a dozen airports of its own but were now asked to train over one hundred thousand volunteers. Canada became "the aerodrome of democracy".

Tony Nelson will tell the incredible story of the BCATP, a major Canadian contribution to winning World War 2. Great Britain had a huge need for pilots and air crew but training was impossible in an active war zone and turned to Canada for help. The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) had only 4,000 personnel and less than a dozen airports of its own but were now asked to train over one hundred thousand volunteers. Canada became "the aerodrome of democracy".

November - Climbing Mount Everest

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Alan Mallory is an inspirational Speaker and will talk of his family's incredible experience climbing Mount Everest.
Incredible photography!


October - Treaty 20: Rights and Responsibilities

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Phil Abbott will focus on the history of early European settlement in Treaty 20 territory and how this history impacts Indigenous/non-Indigenous relations today


September - Hospice Care

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Ryan Alexander is the Manager of Hospice Services for our Community. He will be talking about Hospice Care which is designed to give care to people in the final phase of a terminal illness and focus on comfort & quality of life, rather than a cure.

August - Climate Reality

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Deborah Pearson will be giving an overview of the major environmental issue of our time, Climate Change.

July - Retire Right

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Richard Atkinson is the Author of 'Retire Right - Live It, Love It' "What makes for a happy and stimulating retire-ment—and it's much more than money."

June - Accessibility Issues

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Collinda Joseph is Senior Policy Analyst and she works with the Accessibility Implementation Secretariat in Employment & Social Development Canada. She will be talking about her work regarding accessibility issues and the road that led her to this career.

May - Camp X- Top Secret Spy School

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Lynn Hodgson is an expert in our rich and historical heritage here in southern Ontario. He is the auther of "Inside Camp-X" which was a secret spy training school located between Oshawa and Whitby.  The school trained secret agents deployed during World War ll.

April - Thinking Outside the Planter Box

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Diane and Gary Westlake share their experiences on gardening in various containers, which allows easy modification of your garden, selective soils, and allows some plants to be moved indoors in winter.

March - From Patrol Cop to Criminal Profiler

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Kate Lines, FBI-trained Criminal Profiler, former Chief Su-perintendent of the Ontario Provincial Police, will share her experiences and career in policing.

February - One Brother Shy

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Terry Fallis, two time Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour winner, will be talking about his new book, “One Brother Shy. The title of his book could be “Tracing the Roots of a Novel and an Identical Twin”

January - Heads up for a Healthier Brain

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Carolyn Hemminger is a Public Education Coordinator for the Alzheimer Society. During a fun and interactive presentation Carolyn will discuss 4 practical ways to maintain and often improve brain health as we age.

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